the Edge trainer

and golf

Strengthening the Core Six Visual Skills provides the athlete with the foundational visual input needed to make critical decisions and motor responses at the highest level.
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vision training

for golfers

In golf – visual precision is absolutely critical when it comes down to lagging a 50-foot putt or converting an eight-foot par save. The visual system plays a critical role in putting proficiency – whether it be alignment, reading greens or judging the speed and distance of putts.

the core six

visual skills

Understanding an athlete’s proficiency in the six core visual skills allows players, coaches, and scouts to identify and correct visual weaknesses and enhance the athlete’s performance on the field.
green reading
putting accuracy
chipping accuracy
convergence small
Vizual Flexibility
Enables the ability to judge and pinpoint the target on the green while reading slope, speed, etc.
depth small
Impacts a player’s ability to judge distances and navigate coloration of greens, slopes, and shadows that will improve an ability to read a green.
alignment small
With proper alignment golfers are more capable of properly lining up putts and getting the ball started on its intended path.
recognition small
Excellent at recognizing patterns in greens to better judge and react to situations for chipping and putting from previous situations.
athlete dashboard ipad

Meet The

Edge Trainer

The Edge Trainer from Vizual Edge delivers the most advanced vision training available. Backed by 30 years of research and development, the Edge Trainer’s proven system improves reaction time, positional and spatial awareness, and recognition.
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