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meet the
edge trainer

The #1 Online Vision + Cognitive Training Platform

How vision training


Vision training is a program designed to develop—or improve—fundamental vision skills that are essential to sports vision performance. Vision training is used to improve one’s ability to make accurate eye movements.
What is vision training?
Vision training is essentially a method of teaching the eyes and the brain how to perform a skill more efficiently. Sight is a measurement usually designated by 20/20, 20/40. Vision is how the brain uses sight.
How can vision be improved?
Vision is something that can be learned and trained, but only with proper guidance. The visual system relies on past experiences in order to make judgments and anticipations for current and future experiences. Vision training needs to be consistent, customized and progressive, to ensure improvement. When these skills reach a high level of efficiency the visual system will continually perform at this level, increasing the speed and accuracy of one’s performance.
Is there a limit for improving vision?
Vision training is teaching the visual system a more efficient way of operating. There is no visual age limit, efficient visual skills can be learned at any age. Vizual Edge works to help the athlete learn more efficient visual skills.

how does the




The Edge Trainer is designed to be accessible from any computer or tablet with a WiFi connection.
pursuits vid2



Every athlete is different - which is why the Edge Trainer customizes your vision training plan based on your strengths and weaknesses!
Learn More About Training Modes



15 minutes, 3x a week. That's all it takes to improve your visual skills!

ready to get started?

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what Visual skills do we

evaluate & train?

*included in the baseline assessment 


alignment small

depth perception*

depth small


convergence small


divergence small


recognition small

tracking (saccades)*

Tracking small

tracking (pursuits)


Contrast Sensitivity


Contrast Tracking


**Alternating Flexibility (convergence + divergence) also included in training 

what does

training look like?



Each athlete will receive a custom training program based on their visual processing strengths and weaknesses called the My Plan. Intended to be done 3x a week for 15 minutes each, My Plan training will be dynamic as athletes improve and progress through their training.
Evaluate athlete’s proficiency in the six core visual skills.
Analyze results and develop personalized training plan.
Train core visual skills for optimal athletic performance.
meet the edge trainer sports



Don't want to stick to the recommended plan? Try Open-Gym Mode which will allow you to freely exercise and train outside your recommended plan.



Need to get ready for the big game or just want to warmup? Try our recommended Game Day mode which will get your eyes ready to go when you need it most!
CT SaccadesGif

Frequently Asked


What is the normal training procedure?
Typically, training procedures take ~15 minutes to complete in one sitting. Users have three types of training modes to choose from (My Plan, Open Gym, and Game Day). The core of the Vizual Edge program is 'My Plan' which should consistently be completed 3x each week. Open Gym and Game Day modes are great for extra practice and warming up your eyes!
How long does a session last?
An average session lasts 15 minutes. Most athletes train for 15-20 minutes at least 3 times per week.
What size monitor/screen is required?
Computers: Minimum screen size is 12 inches, up to a maximum of 27 inches (diagonal measure).

Tablets/Mobile Devices: The smallest screen currently supported is an Apple iPad 1 which is 1024 x 768 px (or 768 x 1024 px if rotated).

The Edge Trainer program is NOT compatible on cellphone screens (too small of a screen!)
What is the optimal viewing distance from the monitor/screen?
Train as if you were working on your device as normal (approx. 18 to 24 inches is the best range). 
Should I wear my glasses or contacts when I evaluate and train?
It is essential that the athlete wear proper vision correction and have their eyesight checked/corrected before using the product. If you wear contacts, bifocals or readers and wear them while you compete, you should wear them underneath your Vizual Edge 3D glasses. On rare occasions, individuals may find the training easier without the need for their prescriptions. 
What if I've had laser eye surgery?
That’s ok! You can still train and perfect your visual skills with the Edge Trainer. Please note that some/all of the 3D exercises may be unusable depending on the severity of your eye condition and lasik surgery. 
What if I use bifocals?
Use the portion of the bifocal that you would normally use to when viewing the computer screen, specialty glasses that have been prescribed for computer viewing distance will work as well 
The system says 'No Credits Remaining' but I know I still have an active subscription, what do I do?
This is likely because you have completed your 6-week My Plan and are due for a new evaluation! To confirm this, click on your STATS tab on the left, then 'Progress' and confirm that all 6 weeks contain green circles with checkmarks in them. If all 6 weeks are showing this, head to your dashboard and complete a new Edge Test.

If you do not see all 6 weeks with green circles filled, then your subscription has likely expired. Please contact for additional insight.
Which training mode should I focus on?
The Edge Trainer program offers three unique modes to help enhance your game; My Plan, Open Gym, and Game Day.

My Plan - The core of the Vizual Edge program, customized specifically to you and should be consistently completed 3x each week (~15 minutes each session). The My Plan is broken into 6-week cycles throughout the duration of your subscription length.
Open Gym - Don't want to stick to the recommended plan? Try Open-Gym Mode which will allow you to freely exercise and train outside your recommended plan.
Game Day - Need to get ready for the big game or just want to warmup? Try our recommended 8-minute Game Day mode to get your eyes ready to go when you need it most!

Learn more about training modes here.
When can I expect to notice improvements in my athletic performance?
Typically, an athlete will notice an initial improvement in their ability to “see” the ball, puck, or field after 2 – 4 weeks of training*. However, every individual is different and depending on your starting place, it may take significantly longer to see results. 

*With consistent use (following My Plan 3x each week)
What are the red and blue glasses for?
The glasses allow you to experience 3D perception and our 3D glasses are unique to our system. They are required for the Alignment, Depth Perception, Convergence and Divergence exercises in both Evaluation and Training. They are not used for the Contrast, Recognition, Tracking or Pursuits exercises. Regular 3D glasses are NOT compatible with the Vizual Edge program.
Can any red and blue 3D glasses be used?
Glasses from other manufacturers may not be color compatible for vision training with the Edge Trainer. Polarized glasses cannot be used. To purchase a new pair of Vizual Edge 3D glasses, click here.
Can I train during my season?
Yes. Our experiences with professional sports teams have shown that vision training is effective in and out of season. We strongly recommend utilizing Open Gym and Game Day modes to warm up before practicing/playing.
Will this training affect my ability to read?
This type of vision training was originally developed for children with reading disorders. Since similar visual skills are used for both sports and reading, there is frequently a crossover benefit.
Will training reduce the need for the use of glasses or contact lenses?
This type of training will not improve your visual acuity or remove the need for contact lenses or glasses.
What is the ideal setting to do my evaluation and training?
Ideally, the Edge Trainer program is completed in a dim to normally-lit room with minimal glare on the screen. Do not complete this program in a pitch-black setting.
How long do the 3D glasses take to arrive after my purchase?
Glasses are typically shipped and sent out the day that they are ordered, either individually or part of a subscription plan. US-based shipments typically arrive in 2-5 business days, International order may take 1-3 weeks to arrive, depending on the destination and customs. Please note that orders placed over the weekend may take an extra day or two to be shipped out, as well as during US-based holidays.
When does my subscription begin?
If you have purchased a recurring subscription plan (new in 2025), you have access immediately after placing your order, thus your subscription has started, per our subscription terms. If you are looking to use the Edge Trainer program and are waiting on the required 3D glasses, be sure to try the non-3D exercises in Open Gym mode.
I've completed my 6-week My Plan, now what? 
Congrats on finishing your current My Plan! Now it's time to complete a new Edge Test to see how you you've improved over the last several weeks. Log into your account, select 'Take Your Edge Test' and you will complete the same assessment you began the program with. This will generate a new 6-week My Plan for you based on your updated assessment scores and will reset your plan to Week 1.

*Assumes subscription is still active.
What is your refund policy?
Please consult our policies surrounding valid refunds here.


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