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September 16, 2019
The Triple Crown of Baseball Visual Skills - Convergence, Recognition, and Tracking The-Triple-Crown-of-Visual-Skills-1024x512-1

Baseball Players With Better Visual Skills Advance Further and Have Better On-Field Performance.

Vizual Edge has been working with Major League Baseball teams for the last 15 years to help teams gain more insights into the visual systems of potential draft picks.

Vizual Edge uses an online evaluation to test players in the following six areas, which we call The Core Six visual skills.

Over the last 15 years, we have captured over 14,000+ evaluations from MLB draft prospects, including many of the top MLB players today.

Our deep database of MLB draft evaluations allows us to analyze the data and gain a deeper understanding into which of the core six visual skills impact on-field performance the most.

Better Visual Skills Has Been Tied To More Home Runs, Higher OBP, Higher Walk Rate, And More

When we did a data analysis on our over 14,000+ evaluations from MLB draft prospects we found that players who excelled at convergence, recognition, and tracking relative to their peers hit more home runs, have a higher on base percentage, and walk more. 

In other words, the combination of being able to:

  • converge your eyes on the ball accurately in the last 15-20 feet 
  • recognize a pitch earlier and respond faster 
  • visually respond to stimuli faster and respond accurately

has been tied to hitting more home runs, having a higher on-base percentage, and walking more.

The analysis of the data from over 14,000+ MLB draft prospects show players with better visual skills perform better in the following areas:

  • BB/K ratio
  • On-Base Percentage
  • Home Run Rate
  • Swings At Pitches Outside The Zone
  • Swings At Pitches Inside The Zone
  • Batting Average On Balls In Play
  • Line Drive Percentage
  • Hard Hit Ball Percentage

How Your Players Can Improve Their Visual Skills With Vizual Edge

Players can improve their visual skills by following using our online training platform, The Edge Trainer.

Training should be done 3 days per week with only training session lasting 10-15 minutes. Because our platform is web-based that means the training can be done from any location - including home. You do not have to dedicate practice time or adjust your schedule to fit in our training at your facility.

Travel Baseball Programs, such as Hounds Baseball in Willowbrook, Illinois, have implemented Vizual Edge as a standard part of their training regimen for their high school players.

Implementing Vizual Edge throughout your organization is simple, easy, and effective. Every player has a username and password to use to login to the system and follow their completely customized training program. Every player will also receive a pair of our 3D training glasses complementary with their sign up.

We also send reminders to players on days they are supposed to train which means this is not a program you will have to dedicate time to manage.

There are several ways organizations can implement Vizual Edge training with their players.

Please contact Connor Powers, Director of Baseball, at 630-544-9096 or at for more information on how your program can get started with Vizual Edge training.

Come See Vizual Edge At ABCA

Are you going to ABCA?

Vizual Edge will be at booth #1120, which is right near the food court. Here's a link to the ABCA trade show floor map which shows you exactly where our booth is at.

If you're interested in implementing Vizual Edge with your team or program, be sure to click here and book your product demo.

Any coach or program director who books a product demo at ABCA will be eligible for a 30% off discount on team pricing.

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