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Scouting, Technology & Data Analysis In One Event - Prep Baseball Report

April 24, 2020

Scouting, Technology & Data Analysis In One Event - Prep Baseball Report vizedge_pbr_combined

Article from Prep Baseball Report

Since 2005, Prep Baseball Report’s mission has been to provide the most credible scouting and event platform to help players and recruiters alike. As baseball has evolved, so have we. 

Prep Baseball Report has recently partnered with global leaders in the baseball technology and analysis space to deliver an unparalleled in-event and post-event experience. Now, at events across the country, players will receive actionable data from their event performance,  captured by industry-leading technologies, so they can elevate their game and get to the next level. Players will now receive actionable, post-event data from our industry-leading partners, including:

  • TrackMan
  • Blast Motion
  • Driveline
  • Vizual Edge

ViZual Edge is a market leader in visual performance assessment and training that multiple MLB clubs use for its players.

During Prep Baseball Report events, players will take the Vizual Edge 15-minute baseline evaluation.

Following the event, players will receive an email PDF of your results - your EDGE SCORE - that will identify your strengths and weaknesses, which directly impacts on-field performance.

Visual skills are critical for pitch recognition, reaction speed, timing, seeing spin on the ball, defensive performance, and much more. Your EDGE Score will also live inside your Prep Baseball Report profile.

Read the rest of the article here.

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