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Vizual Edge Announces Partnership with CIF

September 23, 2019

Vizual Edge, a leading research and development company focusing on visual performance training for athletes, has announced a strategic partnership with the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF), the governing body for high school sports in the state of California, to become the official vision training tool of the CIF. With a joint commitment to positively impact the lives of student-athletes, Vizual Edge and the CIF will offer all student-athletes the opportunity to improve their visual processing skills.

“We welcome Vizual Edge to the CIF family and appreciate Vizual Edge’s commitment to positively impacting our student-athletes” stated Brian Sandy, CIF Sports Properties General Manager.

Vizual Edge Announces Partnership with CIF 1200px-California_Interscholastic_Federation_logo.svg_-1-1024x1024

Utilizing technology previously reserved for professional athletes, Vizual Edge created the Edge Trainer. The computer-based training module combines 3D technology with decades of advanced clinical research in sports vision to sharpen neural pathways between the eyes and brain. Delivering a series of training sessions designed to improve the speed, coordination, and efficiency of an individual’s eye movements, users of the Edge Trainer enjoy improved timing, balance, hand-eye coordination, reaction time, and decision making.

“Partnering with the CIF gives us an incredible opportunity to work with athletes who are proactive in taking their performance to the next level,” said Ryan Warkins, CEO of Vizual Edge. “With 80% of sensory information coming from the visual system, vision training is crucial for success across all athletics. We’re excited to partner with the CIF and provide student-athletes with a tool that could really boost their performance in the classroom and on the athletic fields.”

ABOUT THE CALIFORNIA INTERSCHOLASTIC FEDERATION (CIF): The CIF was created in 1914 and is the governing body for high school sports in the state of California. CIF is uniquely positioned to foster student growth in values and ethics. CIF’s ideal of “Pursuing Victory with Honor,” provides the opportunity to influence the actions of the athletic community. CIF strives to promote equity, quality, character and academic development. CIF is a nonprofit federation and the state office, located in Sacramento, Calif., represents the interests of its member Sections. The 10 Sections represent geographic regions within the state: Central, Central Coast, Los Angeles City, North Coast, Northern, Oakland, Sac-Joaquin, San Diego, San Francisco, and Southern. CIF represents 1,606 public and private member schools and more than 838,000 student-athletes. CIF conducts Regional and State Championships in badminton, cross country, football, volleyball, tennis, wrestling, basketball, soccer, swimming & diving, track & field, golf and water polo. CIF Sections conduct championships in more than 22 sports.

ABOUT VIZUAL EDGE: Vizual Edge is a market leader in visual performance assessment and training using its web-based platform, the Edge Trainer. Over the past 15 years, the Vizual Edge team has designed and implemented visual performance programs for Olympic, Professional, and Collegiate teams, as well as individuals across all levels of athletics. The Edge Trainer was developed to train and enhance an individual’s core six visual skills, which has been proven to give athletes a competitive advantage through heightened overall vision. For more information on Vizual Edge or for the latest news and event announcements, please visit or @VizualEdge on Twitter.

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